Hey agaaaaaain internet people it’s Erin, checkin in with progress for Feathers and Teeth!
The team visited the stage where the show will be performed for the first time last week, and it was so cool to see the space! The set you see in the photos is not for Feathers and Teeth, but we were able to do some initial projection testing and get some feedback on our look dev and storyboards.
The WET production team is awesome and was able to quickly put together a window for us, which is what our animations will be projected on. We learned some important things from it, like how the colors and contrast are effected once they’re projected, and how we could improve on the clarity of our boards.
Testing the projections!
We brought the lights down to get a better idea of what the audience will see during the show.
Here’s some of the amazing art we tested last week. We’re starting to hone in on our artistic style, and it’s looking so good! In my unbiased opinion.
We’ve also been working on storyboards for our animated sequences, and we got some great feedback this week! Here are some stills:
You’ll notice we have a window template overlaid on the boards and in some cases we’re using the panes as sort of comic book panels! The WET team really liked that, so we’ll be honing that style more this week as well as applying other design feedback.
We’re having a great time working with WET, be sure to follow them on socials here: @theemsemble
That’s all for this week! See ya next time!