Hey again y’all! It’s Erin. Again. Guess what we’re doing this week! Getting to know another member of the teeeaaaam yay! Last but most definitely least, is Xing Guo! Just kidding she’s not least but don’t tell her I said that. Xing does tons of amazing art and vis dev for our projects at Broom Cupboard, and is also head creep of the studio. Let’s learn more about her! In a.. succinct fashion.
You do mostly visual development work for Broom Cupboard. Where does your interest in that area come from?
I like drawing. Plus I can’t animate or code so yeah.
What do you think is the most valuable thing you’ve learned in your artistic career?
That the fine arts wasn’t for me actually. I learned that I prefer being artistic in interdisciplinary settings where I can collaborate with others who have different skill sets.
Asphodel - Webcomic series.
How would you describe your art style?
Inconsistent lol. But angular and graphical is how I draw nowadays.
You’ve designed all sorts of things for Broom Cupboard. Do you have a preference between environment design and character design? Why?
No preference, it depends on my mood. I think I prefer environmental design because it’s relaxing to paint.
Asphodel - Webcomic series.
What’s your favorite medium to work in?
I might’ve said digital a while back but lately I enjoy using ballpoint or felt ink in a notebook.
What’s been your favorite Broom Cupboard project so far and why?
Eggtoast. That was chill. Plus we got to eat hot pot and everything.
You’ve led multiple projects for Broom Cupboard in the past. How is leading a project different from being a team member?
More stressful. More involved. I have to deal with people’s schedules which is a nightmare.
Are there any people (artists or otherwise) that particularly inspire you in your work?
Hmmm I have a longgg list of people. But right now my art style is especially inspired by artists my age who live on twitter/tumblr. Millionfish, harkbus, k_col.
What’s your favorite vegetable?
Potato. Very versatile vegetable.
What animated movie should literally everyone in the universe watch? If you had to pick only one.
This is hard. Let’s go with Mulan.
Asphodel - Webcomic series.
Where can readers find your socials and see more of your awesome work?
My insta is my least offensive so @z_xingguo.